Saturday, March 5, 2016

Gehry, or One never knows

I didn't expect much from this particular pattern. My main goal was to find something where I could use the rest of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino from my stash.

The pattern seemed to be fairly easy and straightforward. It turned out to be one of the best patterns that I've bought lately. Thank you, Ann McCauley, from now on I am your fan! It is really well written and you cannot go wrong if you just follow directions.
 Still I had to make some adjustments. First of all, the yarn. From my previous experience with Baby Cashmerino I knew that it has a tendency to grow after washing. And I am a very short person (with short arms!!!!). That is why I made the smallest size using  size 2.75 mm (US size 2) needles. The fabric was pretty thick, and at one point I was even worried that I was making it too stiff. Fortunately, after washing it became much smoother and thinner, so I got the exact effect I was aiming for.
I really like the modern look of this sweater. It can be worn with skirts and pants - big plus in my book! 
 My only disappointment was how the side edgings turned out. I wish they were more even and didn't curl at the ends. I did my best while blocking the garment, but apparently my best was not enough.
I plan to steam them with an iron. We'll see what happens... Hopefully, I win - I usually do. If not, I'll do better the second time. Yes, I am going to make it again, and I already picked the yarn for this project (shhh, don't tell anyone, it is a secret!). It is a very fast knit!
 As usual, more pictures - on Ravelry. Anyway, the sweater is very practical and can be worn even in South Florida which is an additional plus.

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